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We build great behaviors...

The great accomplishments of any organization rest on great behaviors by the individuals working there. We believe building better behaviors for any individual or group is possible with the right training and coaching. Behavity and our consultants are currently serving several large international organizations by implementing better behaviors and culture in: sales, service, and leadership. We do this by offering training, workshops & coaching within sales & leadership. This includes culture & group development, leadership, negotiation, presentation, as well as strategy development.

Because Behavity operates in an international environment all our training, coaching & workshops are offered both through our online studios and in real-life settings. 

//Patrik Rolén Founding Partner

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We are a consultancy company helping our clients reach for higher results by building better behaviors. Our consultants come from numerous expert fields to combine a unique skillset. We believe our differences in know-how and experience and our "can do" mindset is what will help our clients thrive.  We offer a unique & proven methodology to promote change and motivate your managers and employees. We can help your organization with workshops, coaching, strategy & interim management.

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Image by Austin Distel


Behavity offers extensive skill development within all areas of Sales & Commercial development both within B2B & B2C. We help organizations that what to reach higher RESULTS by addressing the three things we believe are instrumental to build great sales: ACTIVITY, PRIORITY, & QUALITY. Based on these areas we are using the latest research and models to train sales professionals on all levels to reach higher results.

We pride ourselves on the fact that all our sales training is tailored to the specific organization we are working with. Therefore, it’s very important for us to truly understand the organization we are working with. Therefore, we always put in a great amount of time to assess the specific needs of our clients.


It is a journey to build better behaviors. There must be strong leaders that can continue training and building culture after the consultants have left – this is essential for any organization. We, therefore, put a lot of effort and time into training leaders in both understanding methods as well as models for how to train skills but also to become more aware of how they are perceived by the people working for them. We do this by self-assessment analyses, workshops, and coaching. All our workshops are offered both online and IRL.

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Both leaders and employees need an external guide to help them build better behaviors.  Behavity believes personal and professional success is intimately intertwined – we always recommend individual coaching as a complement to our workshops both in leadership and sales. The coaching helps the individual excel in adapting new skills and personal development growth. This creates superior results for the organization that they are working for. All our coaching is offered through an online tool keeping travel, environmental footprint, and costs at a minimum all while maximizing results and speed in the behavior change.


Both leaders and employees need an external guide to help them build better behaviors.  Behavity believes personal and professional success is intimately intertwined – we always recommend individual coaching as a complement to our workshops both in leadership and sales. The coaching helps the individual excel in adapting new skills and personal development growth. This creates superior results for the organization that they are working for. All our coaching is offered through an online tool keeping travel, environmental footprint, and costs at a minimum all while maximizing results and speed in the behavior change.

Image by Dylan Ferreira


In all business situations, great negotiation skills are essential for succeeding with your long-term business goals. Behavity is training our clients in negotiation by introducing basic principles and a framework for planning and conducting your negotiation.  This framework is then implemented on our client’s specific negotiation needs. Live cases and situations are constructed to train participants to become more skilled in the negotiation process tailored to the customer’s specific situations.


In most sales and leadership situations, being a strong presenter is one of the most effective ways to influence and inspire people to get the behavior your organization needs to change. Behavity has developed a system for systematically becoming a better presenter by constantly & incrementally developing your presentation skills. We provide both a framework for structuring your message as well as mastering softer skills such as posture, voice, and body language. Our workshops help with both public speaking and persuading your employees/customers of a new idea or change you would like to implement.

Brand Strategy


Culture does not always eat strategy for breakfast. To grow and develop great behaviors, organizations also need help maintaining the behaviors by having great growth strategies and processes in place. Because people are creatures of habit, implementing and designing strategies and processes that build great behaviors is essential for success. Behavity helps our clients do this by designing commercial processes. Some examples are: product platforms, sales processes, analyzing customer growth protentional, advice on setting OKR’s and building great CRM follow-up.


Creating a behavior change takes time and demands repetition and continuity. Therefore, some of our clients prefer us to work project-based as a catalyst for the organization & others would like us to step in as interim line managers for a longer period. Our consultants have extensive management experience handling and managing commercial teams.

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Founder & Consultant

15+ years’ experience as a management consultant from numerus consultancy projects. Highly proficient in sales, culture & leadership development. Executive coach & presentation traininer. Extensive track record of increasing sales within B2B organizations.


Consultant/Marketing Manager

15+ years as marketing manager and social media expert. Advising clients on sales lead generation, branding strategies & social media sales.

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Associated Consultat Finland

Energetic change consultant with 10+ years of experience in B2B sales, project and sales management and strategic change. Extensive skills in increasing B2B sales by improving sales representatives' skills, sales management processes and tools and customer experience.


Head of Finance

In charge of administrative duties at Behavity. Has an accountant and 20+ years’ experience from Swedish banking industry.



Member of Advisory Bord

Senior Manager at Accenture Interactive Advising on digital impact, E-trade and marketing strategys for Behavity.


Member of Advisory Board

Partner & Head of Customer- and Growth Strategy Nordics at Accenture Strategy,  Advisning on busniess growth & strategy for Behavity

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Patrik & Behavity har en enastående förmåga att utbilda, utveckla och inspirera till nya höga säljresultat. Oavsett om målgruppen är säljnoviser eller fullblodsproffs så besitter han förmågan att både ge individen förutsättningar att nå högre resultat men även att få ett säljteam att dra nytta av en ökad energi och momentum så att 1+1 blir 3. Att anlita Patrik är en investering med snabb avkastning.

Henrik Thomasson VD Forenom


Are you looking for tips and ideas how you can improve behaviors and increase revenue in your organization please contact us today.

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